Friday, March 06, 2009

"The Quiet Buzz" - More on Green Smoothies alias Green Juices

Try my recipe for "The Quiet Buzz," one of my favorite green smoothies. We came up with this name at our local PCC juice bar.

Ingredients: A bunch of fresh kale, a couple of oranges, a section of fresh ginger root and a scoop of bee pollen. Throw them in the blender and totally liquify. Yes, these are not exact measurements - you get to experiment!

How did I come upon this strange mixture? First of all, my clutter busting friend, Vicky White (click here to learn more about her fabulous coaching programs ), first introduced me to raw food and green smoothies over a year ago. Then for this exact recipe, the story is as follows.

One day a few months ago, my husband called me from the grocery store and asked if I'd like a green juice brought home since he was right there. I made this one up off the top of my head, and it's turned out to be the only one I order - too good!

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